“Every student is known, valued and cared for”
In supporting one of the most important goals in the NSW Department of Education’s 2018-2022 Strategic Plan, Mulwaree has introduced a number of initiatives to assist in meeting this. Wellbeing Support
The following wellbeing support is available to Mulwaree students:
Year Advisers – each year group from Years 7-12 have one Year Advisor to assist with wellbeing support. The Year Advisers are often the first person a student will go to for support.
The Year Advisers for 2021 are:
o Year 7 Hayley Price
o Year 8 Ben Cheetham
o Year 9 Samantha Economos
o Year 10 Zoe Vaughan
o Year 11 Amber Ditterick
o Year 12 Jess Bromfield
Pastoral Care – Each student in Years 7-10 have one period a fortnight with their Year Adviser. This gives more of an opportunity for Year Advisers to get to know the students in their year group and vice versa. In 2021, students will engage in developing a growth mindset.
Deputy Principal – each DP provides wellbeing support for 2 year groups. Adam Bruckshaw Years 7 & 10, Meegan Menzies Years 9 & Support, Michelle Randall Years 8 & 11 and Natalie Gorman Year 12.
Wellbeing Teacher – This is a school funded position. The wellbeing teacher, Keagan Mitchell, is available most days during break 2 and last period of the day for students to talk to about issues they may have. This teacher can then refer on further to counsellors or a Deputy Principal if needed to help sort out the problem.
Student Support Officer – Felicity Nolan
Breakfast & Lunch Club – Breakfast Club operates outside the HSIE Staffroom Monday to Friday 8:30 – 8:50am and Lunch Club runs Monday to Friday Break 2. There is no cost for students to attend and make a sandwich or some toast.