Administration Office and Enquiries
The school's administration office is located near the main entrance to the school and is open between the hours of 8:30am and 3:30pm each day during the school term.
Please direct your enquiries in the first instance to this office. The Clerical Staff will then be able to help you obtain the information or appointment you require.
Matters concerning student's progress may be discussed with the Year Adviser. All appointments to the Year Adviser, Deputy Principal or Principal can be arranged by prior appointment. Please phone the school office on 4821 4499.
Learning Meetings
These meetings are arranged to follow the Progress Reports at the end of Term 1 and are held early in Term 2. They are most important and parents should regard such meetings as compulsory. The progress report can be explained more fully by taking this opportunity and speaking with your child's teachers.
Parents will receive an invitation and students are encouraged to attend the meetings.
Mulwaree Matters
Mulwaree Matters is published on this website and is also available on our Skoolbag app. If you would like to receive a paper copy of Mulwaree Matters, please contact the office.
The newsletter contains many items of interest about programs and courses conducted at the school. Dates and other important matters will also appear and the school must assume that you are aware of these matters.
Most faculties conduct excursions which are an integral part of the curriculum. Students must have a record of co-operative behaviour to be considered for excursions and the right to attend is subject to review by the Principal or Deputy Principal. All excursions are self-funding and refunds are not normally given. If excursions have restricted numbers, then prompt payment and return of permission notes will determine availability.
Parents are asked to ensure that they are waiting to collect their child where excursions finish after school hours. The P&C have agreed that where students are not collected, the safety of the student is ensured by sending them home by taxi at the family's cost.
The school provides the necessary texts on a loan basis. The student is responsible for the return of the book in the same condition as the book was received.
Elective Subject Contributions
Subject Contributions are charged to cover the cost of materials used in certain courses. Naturally, in the event of any family financial problems, a private approach either by the student or by the parent to the Principal or the Deputy will secure immediate and sympathetic attention. The Student Assistance Scheme may assist these families.
School Houses
Students are placed into one of four houses for various competitions within the school. Each house has its own colour and animal emblem. The Houses are:
BANJORA (red) - Koala
MARLOO (yellow) - Kangaroo
PINYALI (green) - Emu
TARMAROO (blue) - Possum
Mulwaree High runs a competitive House competition. Students compete in Swimming, Cross Country Running and Athletics Carnivals and other smaller lunchtime competitions throughout the year.