There are many celebratory functions held throughout the year at MHS to recognise student achievement. They include:
Semester 1 – Day Assembly (Last week of Term 2)
Awards presented:
1. EFFORT AND ENCOURAGEMENT - (given to 10% of each class) Awarded tostudents who have displayed continual effort in order to achieve to their potential throughout Semester 1.
2. ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT – Given to students who meet NESA’s A descriptors. (100hr electives are not awarded)
Semester 2 – Day Assembly (2nd Last week of Term 4)
Awards presented:
1. EFFORT AND ENCOURAGEMENT - (given to 10% of each class) Awarded tostudents who have displayed continual effort in order to achieve to their potential throughout Semester 2.
2. ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT – Given to students who meet NESA’s A descriptors. (100hr electives are not awarded)
Presentation Evening (Last week Term 4)
Awards presented:
1. 1st IN COURSE (100hr and 200hr included) - Core subjects, where all cohort study that subject, 1st, 2nd and 3rd in course recognised.
2. PRINCIPAL’S MEDALLION for Academic Excellence – In Years 7-9, Head Teachers nominate students receiving NESA A grades for their courses based on a student’s overall grade for the year. In Years 10-12, the submitted NESA grades are used to identify students who received A grades. (100 electives not included). Students who receive a specific number of nominations are to be awarded a Principal’s Medallion.
STAR Award Night (End Term 4)
Recognising students who have achieved success in and participated in a variety of extra curricular events and competitions.
Sporting Gala Evening (End Term 4)
• Recognising individual and team participation and success in school based sporting endeavours.
Students receiving awards will be notified by letter or formal invitation. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend.

The Mulwaree Endeavour Awards recognise students' extra efforts in their academic, sporting, cultural and school service pursuits. Students gain Achievement Tickets, commonly referred to as "Green Tickets", to acknowledge these efforts.
Each term, tickets go into a draw for a variety of prizes. Prize draws take place at end of term assemblies.
Each year, students who have gained 10 tickets in Years 7-9 and 5 tickets in Years 10-12 that year are given the opportunity to go on an Awards Excursion.
Achievement Tickets accumulate and the following Awards can be achieved:
· 30 Tickets Bronze Award
· 60 Tickets Silver Award
· 100 Tickets Gold Award
· 150+ Tickets Platinum Award (Year 12 students only)
Awards will be presented to eligible students each year at the end of Semester 1 & 2 Presentation Assembly.
This is a whole school initiative. Students are encouraged to participate in this scheme and to aim to do their best in all aspects of their schooling.