Mulwaree High School


Telephone02 4821 4499

P&C Achievements

Last Thursday, our first P & C meeting of the year was held.  Our hard working parents in this group number 12 - 15 at most meetings.  Their successes are numerous and have a great impact on our students' learning and the learning environment.  The P & C run the canteen and uniform shop, which is ably co-ordinated by Julie White and Barb Howard, both parents of Mulwaree students themselves.  P & C funds come exclusively from this leaving our Parent Group to be involved in developing school policy and being a vital part of decision making.  All of our panels for the selection of a new teacher from the classroom teacher to the Principal has a P & C representative.  Some of the items bought by the P & C in recent times include:

  • The new COLA - now in operation
  • $50,000.00 worth of educational resources
  • Development of the Senior area
  • Development of the Wetlands
  • Financial support for the Duke of Edinburgh awards

I believe that our P & C is one of the strongest in NSW High Schools.  They are proactive, supportive of staff and students and get involved.  You will see them at Mulwaree On Show giving their time and energy.  Nevertheless, the school needs to continually renew the Parent body as students move out of school, although a number of our Parents and Citizens are ‘true' citizens as their children have now left Mulwaree (Great thanks to Larry Meng, our treasurer).  I encourage all parents to get involved in their children's education and the P & C is one way of contributing positively.
My thanks to Rob Adam (our President) and the hardworking parent team.  They do a vital job at Mulwaree and the school would be poorer without them!
M Purcell