The Personal Development, Health and Physical Education faculty aims to provide opportunities for students to learn about, and practise ways of, adopting and maintaining a healthy, productive and active life. PDHPE also involves students learning through movement experiences that are both challenging and enjoyable, and improving their capacity to move with skill and confidence in a variety of contexts. We conduct the school's Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics Carnivals, and we provide opportunities for students to compete in school teams in Combined High Schools competitions in a variety of sports such as Hockey, Basketball, Cricket, Soccer and Touch. We aim to promote the value of physical activity in students lives.
PDHPE in Stages 4 and 5 provides the opportunity for our students to explore issues that are likely to impact on the health and wellbeing of themselves and others, now and in the future. The issues that affect young people include physical activity, mental health, drug use, sexual health, nutrition, supportive relationships, personal safety, gender roles and discrimination. Students in Stages 4 & 5 also experience a wide range of movement experiences to assist them in maintaining healthy active lifestyles. This experiences include team and individual sports, Dance, Gymnastics, Athletics and Cross Country.
Dance for Stage 5 students is a 200 hour elective subject which aims to engage and challenge all students to maximise their individual talents and capabilities. Students have the opportunity to perform at Mulwaree on Show and the Mulwaree Concert Series.
Physical Activity and Sports Studies (PASS) for Stage 5 students is a 200 hour elective subject which aims to broaden students knowledge in a range of contexts that will enhance their capacity to participate effectively in physical activity and sport. Topics studied in PASS include: Body Systems and Energy for Physical Activity, Physical Fitness, Australia's Sporting Identity and Coaching.
In 2020, we have broken up this elective for our Year 9 cohort. Students can choose between Human Movement and/or Exercise Science.
Human Movement focuses more on sports coaching, event management and nutrition where Exercise Science focuses more on the body systems, fitness and the psychology behind performance.
Games for Girls is a 100 hour elective subject for Stage 5 students. It aims to provide girls the opportunity to engage with alternate forms of physical activity and derive enjoyment from participating. It is hoped this will foster lifelong physical activity.
Fit Fellas is a 100 hour elective subejct for Stage 5 students. It aims to provide students with additional opportunity to build upon fitness levels through games and structured physical activity programs.
Improving Performance is a 100 hour elective subejct for Stage 5 students. It aims to provide students the opportunity to build knowledge and skills targetted at athlete development.
Great Outdoors is a 100 hour elective subject for Stage 5 students. It aims to teach students the skills and knowledge required to participate in outdoor education scenarios safely and competently.
Leadership is a 100 hour elective subject for Stage 5 students. It aims to foster skills and abilities in students to produce contributing citizens of the future. Students will have the opportunity to put their learning into practise through a number of community and primary school programs.
Strictly Dance is a 100 hour elective subject for Stage 5 students. It seeks to foster an enjoyment and appreciation of the various types of dance. Students have the opportunity to perform at Mulwaree on Show and as a part of the Mulwaree Concert Series.
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) in Stage 6 examines a range of areas that underpin health and physical activity. This includes how people think about health and physical activity, the management of personal health, the basis for how the body moves, major issues related to Australia's health status, and factors that affect physical performance. Students also have the opportunity to select from a range of option topics such as First Aid, Sports Medicine, Outdoor Recreation and Advanced Approaches to Training.
Sports Coaching (VET) is a Board Endorsed VET Course for Stage 6 students. In the course students learn the skills to coach in a variety of movement contexts and sporting pursuits. Mandatory work placement hours need to be completed each year in this course.
Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation Studies (SLR) is Content Endorsed Course for Stage 6 students. In this course students learn about the importance of a healthy lifestyle and recognise the need to be active, responsible and informed decision makers. The SLR course encourages students to continue to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of the role of sport, a healthy lifestyle and recreation in everyday life. SLR has a large practical sporting component.
Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways (VET) is a Board Endorsed Course for Stage 6 students. This course is broad in its nature and focuses on the attainment of competencies through the completion of student project based learning. This course focuses on literacy, numeracy, technology and communication skills that employers require in the world of work. There is no mandatory work placement for this course.