Mulwaree High School


Telephone02 4821 4499

About our school

Mulwaree High School, established in 1971, is one of two Department of Education and Training secondary schools in Goulburn. A comprehensive and diverse curriculum targeting academic, vocational, sporting and cultural needs is enjoyed by students and staff. Mulwaree High School students and teachers have developed a fine reputation in public exams, state and national competitions, team and individual sports, public speaking, debating, drama, environmental science, agriculture and languages. Individual students are challenged to achieve to their full potential in all aspects of education. Positive, constructive partnerships are fostered with parents and our community. Students are encouraged to respect themselves, their peers and teachers and to resolve differences with dignity. Lifelong learning is our goal.

What can Mulwaree High School do for you?

Mulwaree High School can equip you with the knowledge and skills which will bring personal satisfaction to your life.  It will give you basic training in academic, sporting and social skills needed for a rewarding life after you leave school.  It will provide opportunities for initiatives in areas well beyond the basic school curriculum. You will be given opportunity to be a leader.

What can you do for yourself and for your school?

You can commit yourself right from the start to a consistent effort at school.  You can ensure that you use your talents to the full and are setting realistic and attainable goals. Regular personal organisation is very important.

We take pride in Mulwaree as a place of caring – a place where staff and students are expected to have respect for one another.  We take pride in Mulwaree where excellence in the various endeavours is recognised.  We invite you to "endeavour to achieve" and become an active member of our School Community.

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